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Learn To Blog With LadyBossBlogger

Learn To Blog With LadyBossBlogger

Learn To Blog With LadyBossBlogger: Blogging Pays More Than The Average American Salary


Some of the top ones included in Learn To Blog With LadyBossBlogger

  1. Blogging

  2. Affiliate marketing

  3. E-commerce store owner

  4. Freelance graphic designer

  5. Handmade crafter

  6. Online teacher

  7. Product reviewer

  8. Social media manager

  9. Virtual assistant

  10. Freelance writer

Regardless of what you want to do, all ten of the jobs listed above are best done in conjunction with a blog.


Learn blogging with LadyBossBlogger.
Learn To Blog With LadyBossBlogger


MY START: Learn To Blog With LadyBossBlogger

I chose to become a stay-at-home mom, but I also missed going to work. With the passion to do something and earn at the same time, I thought blogging would be great for me as I don’t have to step out of the house and I could be with my children. I started writing blogs to share my experience in bringing up my kids with other parents.

When I was pregnant, I would look for all kinds of information on the internet, and I still lookout for information. I believe if I shared my parenting journey through blogging it would help many other parents especially first-time moms. Wouldn`t it be great if I could profit also at the same time?

 Learn To Blog With LadyBossBlogger
Learn To Blog With LadyBossBlogger



That`s when I came across LadyBossBlogger Courses founded by Elaine Rau who has spoken on stages all over the world on how to become a successful blogger and influencer.

Within just 3 years, has amassed an audience of 250,000+ followers across all social media platforms. Read her interview with the Huffington Post to see how she started her online empire.

LadyBossBlogger serves as a resource for ladies who are either just starting out on their entrepreneurial and/or blogging journey or looking for resources to continue their education or to start their carrier again while looking after the kids at the same time.


There is too much basic information over the Internet, and to learn how to blog correctly one needs a mentor too that can guide you thoroughly.

The course explained in covers all the minute details of blogging and you don`t have to open many windows to learn just one topic which one usually does while learning blogging online with free resources.

With this course, you’ll never be spinning your wheels because you’ll know exactly what to do every step of the way. So, it doesn’t matter if you have 10 minutes or 60 minutes – your time will always be well spent.

I have finished a few chapters and now I could see where I was going wrong and what I could have done. I am sure if you want to learn to blog this course will be just perfect for you.

This course will cover the following topics:

  • Discover Your Why

  • Find Your Niche

  • Claim Your Blog Domain Name

  • Create Your Target Audience

  • Design Your Brand

  • Set Up Email Marketing Strategy

  • Blog Marketing Strategy: Social Media Foundations

  • Learn WordPress Basics

  • SEO Best Practices

  • Curate Strategic Content

  • How To Make Money Blogging

  • Understand The Legal Aspects

  • How To Promote Your Blog + Brand

 Learn To Blog With LadyBossBlogger
Learn To Blog With LadyBossBlogger


Don`t forget to use my PROMO CODE: GOPA while registering for the course.

Additional LadyBossBlogger Resources you should check out:

 7-Day Make Money Blogging

 21-Day Build A Better Blog

5-Day Master Affiliate Marketing

3-Day Become An Instagram Influencer


Also read MommyWize: The ultimate platform for all your motherhood and parenting journey.



Learn To Blog With LadyBossBlogger
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Travelling During Pregnancy



Travelling during pregnancy
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on



Travelling during pregnancy is considered safe during the 2nd trimester and of course, depending upon person to person and circumstances. I was more active during my first pregnancy but didn’t get the chance to travel except alone from Mumbai to Guwahati to my parent`s home for delivery.

During my 2nd pregnancy, my health was not in great condition. We had plans to travel to Bali during my son’s summer vacation,(during my 2nd trimester) but had to drop it as I was not in a position to travel long distances. But we managed to travel to our hometown and a few short trips by road in and around Guwahati. The places we visited are Shillong, Samdrup Jongkhar(in Bhutan) and Chandubi Lake.


Here I have mentioned some essential points to keep in mind when travelling during pregnancy:

1) Listen to your body when travelling during pregnancy.

You only know whether you can travel or not and by which mode of transport. Travel isn’t recommended for those with high-risk pregnancy conditions

2) Wear comfortable shoes and clothes.

Feeling comfortable in your clothes should be your priority. There are many sites and shops available nowadays for maternity wear. Wear comfortable shoes, especially which can be removed easily

3) Take your medicines and food on time.

Don’t try to postpone your mealtime.

4) Keep some snacks and a water bottle with you all the time.

Keeping something to eat like fruits, dry fruits, homemade sandwiches or roti will always come in handy. On one of my trips we had plans to have our lunch at the destination, and reaching the place would take some 1 hour. And I started feeling hungry. Luckily I was carrying a few bananas with me.

5) If you have one more child, it is always preferable to carry a car seat.

If they have the habit of travelling in your lap, explain to them before commencing the journey why you can’t take them in your lap anymore. Invest in a good car seat.


Travelling During Pregnancy


6) Plan ahead.

Always tell your practitioner about your travel plans before booking your tickets. Since I travelled by air both times I asked my doctor to give me in writing that I am fit to travel

7) Take your time.

Don’t rush. It is advisable to leave home early if you need to catch a train or plane as running up is not a good idea and you might need to take little rest in between.

8) If travelling by air, check with the airlines if they have any policies.


9) Move your legs around or take short breaks.

Take a stroll up to the cabin every once in a while of travelling by air. Or short breaks if you are travelling by car.

10) Wear your seat belt all the time.

It is always advisable to wear seatbelts all the time to avoid any kinds of sudden jerks.



Every person’s requirement is different. Please share if there is anything else you want to add.



You can also read: Road trips with a baby and toddler in India

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Create Memories With Zoomin

Our son is 4 years old and our daughter recently turned 6 months. And believe it or not we still have not printed any photos of them. Don’t believe it?? even I can’t believe how come we have not yet printed any photos of them. Blame it on technology or on our laziness or on our hectic lifestyle. There are thousands of photos in our mobile phones and computers but not a printed one.The only printed one our son has is with his school friends clicked at school itself.

Gone are the days when having a camera was a luxury and clicking photo was not an everyday affair. We had to plan in advance like from buying a film, deciding the occasion, at which moment to take pictures and counting the numbers of pictures clicked. And one has to be very careful while taking pictures as one spoiled picture means less numbers of pictures and money wasted. And not to mention how eagerly we would wait for days to see those pictures and I am sure each picture had a story to tell.

photobook 27015078449110197646..jpg
Reference Image

With photographs we not only create memories but we also cherish those beautiful moments spent.


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Having a second baby with a toddler

Having a second baby with a toddler

Having a second baby with a toddler? 


I was happy to put up an exhibition of my products. I was elated as I was able to start my work again in whatever little time I had now. Now I don’t have to plan days in advance to go out with my 3-year-old son. Now I get time to watch movies or go for long walks alone. I was happy thinking about the trip with my son to Pondicherry. I had already started planning for our next trip. But then ” Oh Again! Oh Yes wow! No, not now! Oh, I am pregnant again! Thousands of thoughts came to my mind.

My husband and I had thought of 2nd child. I had a hard time trying to conceive the first one. Taking medications, hormones injection, regular visits to the doctor, monthly sonography.. !!It was taking a toll on me. I didn’t want to go through the same process again for the 2nd time. But then this time I easily conceived. It was planned but unexpected I would say.

Having only one child was also fine with us. But the thought of what will happen to our son if/when we are not there? Both my husband and I have siblings. The bond shared between siblings is above friends and parents. My son also started asking for a baby. There are many ifs and buts, pros and cons of having a child or 2nd child. It is everyone’s personal decision.

I have friends and cousins who are happily married for years and don’t have any kids nor do they plan to have any. Some have one child and wish to have another but can’t due to various reasons. This dilemma of having kids or how many or not to have is never-ending.




Having a second baby with a toddler
Having a second baby with a toddler


The arrival of a new member in the family can be a difficult transition for older children if not prepared in advance. Integration of a new baby into the family can create an emotional crisis for children. If you have planned for a 2nd baby or you just discovered that you are going to be parents again, it is better to involve your elder one in your pregnancy journey right from the beginning.


Here are few points which I would love to share that helped me in having a second baby with a toddler:

1) Try to know/ understand what they feel about babies in general.

Ask them would they want someone to play with or share their toys? My son would get excited whenever he sees a baby. He would tell me “mama I want a baby”.This was one great positive factor for us

2) Take them to your doctor’s visit and scans.

I would take him every time with me for all my doctor`s visits and sonography and before going for sonography I used to tell him that today we are going to look at the baby and see what is the baby doing inside( is the baby sleeping, or is the baby dancing or is the baby doing potty). This would make him laugh and curious.

3) Let them talk to your unborn child

I would ask him to talk to the baby. Let him ask questions.

4) Keep telling them that they will become Big brother/Sister of the baby. With that, they will have to change the baby’s diapers, apply cream, make them sleep, etc.

5) Let them choose or take their opinion before buying something for the baby.

6) Let the father or other members of the family take charge of the elder one.

E. g dropping or picking up from school/bus stop, taking bath, feeding them, making them sleep without you.

Tell me moms who have 2 children what did u do? Would love to hear from you.


You can also read: 5 Best Books on Pregnancy


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Monsoon Care Tips For Children and New Moms

Monsoon Care Tips For Children and New and Expected Moms

With the arrival of the monsoon bringing relief to our body and mind, rains at the same time bring uninvited guests in the form of disease-spreading germs and mosquitoes. There are a few things a child, a new mother, and expected mothers should keep in mind to stay safe and healthy. Here are some Monsoon Care Tips For Children and New Moms:



Monsoon Care Tips For Children and New Moms:

1)Keep your hands clean: Monsoon Care Tips For Children and New Moms

It is very important, especially for young children to wash their hands and feet thoroughly after they come back home from outside. They keep roaming around, play messy games, and through hands germs find their entry into kids’ bodies. New moms keep your hands clean before engaging with your newborn. Always carry hand sanitizer while stepping out of the house. You can also opt for Travel Handsoap sheets. They are very useful as they are very easy to carry and don’t leave any residue after use. All you need is some water. Check Reflekt and use my code GB15 to get 15 % off.




                                                                    To buy other sanitizer click here: hand sanitizer

2)Eat seasonal and fresh fruits and vegetables: Monsoon Care Tips For Children and New and Expected Moms

Have fresh fruits like Jamun, mangoes, litchi, pears, plums, and freshly prepared vegetables. Vegetables like bitter gourd and bitter herbs like neem, turmeric powder, and methi seeds help in preventing infections.

Remember to soak fruits and vegetables in salt/vinegar water for some time to get rid of harmful chemicals and worms.

Especially new and expected moms need to avoid:

  • Street food
  • Cut Fruits as flies are carriers of many diseases
  • Eating raw leafy vegetables

Keep dry fruits like almonds, cashew, walnuts, pista with you when going out. They come in very handy. You can pack them in small containers or wax food wrap instead of aluminium foil. I bought these wax wood wraps from Amazon.


Monsoon Care For Children and New and Expected Moms
Organic Food Wraps


3)Drink homemade soup, juice, and coconut water:

Like avoiding outside food during this rainy season, it is also better to avoid drinks from roadside stalls. Instead, make juices at home and drink them immediately.
Coconut water which is easily available is not only refreshing but also includes minerals like potassium, magnesium, vitamin C, fiber, carbs, protein, sodium, calcium. Expected moms should include coconut water in their diet.

A bowl of a piping hot soup made at home from mushrooms, dark & leafy vegetables, meat will boost your immunity. And adding spices like cloves, pepper, cardamom, ginger, garlic will add a fresh flavor to your soup and aid digestion. I always carry my travel cutlery pouch to avoid those plastic straws. (Travel cutlery pouch bought from @iktaraeco_zerowasteindia). You can buy straw here stainless straw and cutlery pouch.


Monsoon Care Tips For Children and New and Expected Moms
Stainless Straw with Pouch

4)Keep your child clean and dry: Monsoon Care Tips For Children and New and Expected Moms

Humidity in the air during monsoon makes clothes difficult to dry quickly. It is preferable to use warm iron over these clothes before storing them, to remove moisture. Extra sets of clothes, nappies, and diapers should be kept ready, specifically for babies. Keep checking for any kind of fungal infection underarms, neck, waist, toes, and diaper area.

5)Change diapers/nappies frequently or go diaper-free: Monsoon Care Tips For Children and New and Expected Moms

Change diapers and nappies frequently during the rainy season, as little ones pee more during rains. A wet nappy or diaper could give your child a cold, diaper rash and provide a breeding place for bacteria. During the rainy season, you will need to build a huge stash as it takes more time for cloth diapers to dry. Also, let your child go nappy/diaper-free for some time. Check some cloth diapers here.


Monsoon Care For Children and New and Expected Moms
Cloth Diapers

6)Keep mosquitoes away: Monsoon Care Tips For Children and New and Expected Moms

Dress your kids in long pants and a full-sleeved top to prevent mosquito bites. Keep your baby`s bed /cot/pram covered with a mosquito net when they are sleeping. Use mosquito repellent made especially for babies and toddlers while going out.

Clear mosquitoes breeding grounds

Buy mosquito repellent for kids here:

Monsoon Care For Children and New and Expected Moms

7)Treat any cold, cough, fever immediately and take the required vaccine:

Treat any cold, cough, fever immediately, rather than waiting for it to resolve itself. A warm massage with mustard oil and garlic can do wonders. Doctors may recommend getting a flu vaccine.

Also Read: 5 Best organic baby food brands in India 2023


8)Keep child and expected mothers away from sick people

Keep children away from sick people as their immune system is still developing.

9)Invest in good rain gear and wear appropriate clothes: Monsoon Care Tips For Children and new Moms

Invest in good quality rain gear and wear appropriate clothes. Invest in a good quality raincoat and umbrella, bigger in size that will last 2-3 years, rather than buying that cheap one which can be used only twice or thrice in a year.
With changes in temperature and humidity, let your child wear comfortable clothes. Take an extra set of clothes if going for outings. Firstcry has some wonderful collections of raincoats and umbrellas. To buy click here:

Monsoon Care For Children and New and Expected Moms


P. S: Views expressed here are personal opinions.

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Sustainable Travel Tips With kids

Zero waste travel tips

                                      Sustainable Travel Tips with Kids.


We have been practising a sustainable lifestyle at home for some time now and this time I adopted the same while travelling to Pondicherry with my 3 years old son. We have been trying to lead a sustainable lifestyle by adopting green methods like  composting wet waste at home, buying plastic-free packaging materials, making our own cosmetics/toiletries, and floor cleaner, using reusable straws, cups, cutlery, etc. giving away all kinds of plastic items and food pouches for recycling.

One of the most important things, we can do to protect our environment is, to find ways to reduce waste. There is not a perfect zero-waste solution, but there are some little sustainable travel tip things we can each do. It just requires some advance planning.

Single-use items like- water bottles, cups, and straws, have an impact not only on the environment but also on us.

Here are the sustainable travel tips that I followed:

  • Packed our own food in reusable containers (or reusable food wrap) instead of buying that are wrapped in plastics
  • Carried our own water bottles and refilled them after security check-in. Refilled at regular intervals from drinking water station
  • Carried reusable, steel straw handkerchief, steel cup, cutlery, and containers
  • Cloth diapers(in case of emergency)
  • Cloth pad and menstrual cup (in case of emergencies) (cloth pad)
  • Loose green tea leaves
  • Electric kettle
  • Carried toiletries like- shampoo bar, detergent powder, soap,
  • Steel straws, spoons, and snacks in small containers for the little one
  • Requested the hotel staff to provide drinking water in a jar instead of water bottles
Sustainable travel tips with kids
Carried our own utensils



Cloth Diaper:Sustainable travel tips with kids
Cloth Diaper: Sustainable travel tips with kids



As a result, I could save 10 single-use straws from going to the trash. No unnecessary buying of water bottles.


Trash that we generated:

  • One water bottle was kept in the hotel room and my little one was feeling thirsty
  • 2 chocolate wraps someone gave it (which I got back with me)

I am most guilty about the carbon footprints that I contribute while taking a flight. I know flying is bad for the environment and all, but unfortunately, it was my only option. Otherwise, we mostly travel by public transport or on foot once we are at our destination.

Planning ahead for the trip will not only help you lessen your environmental impact, but it will also make your whole travelling experience more enjoyable. It was my first attempt at making a sustainable trip and I am glad I could attain it to some extent.

Read 3 Days in Puducherry: My 1st Trip with my son

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3 Days Pondicherry trip

3 Days in Puducherry: My 1st Trip with my son

3 Days Pondicherry trip. Yesssss!  Diwali vacations were approaching and I wanted to utilise these two weeks rather than sitting at home, getting bored by doing household chores and trying numerous ways to keep my little one engaged. When the little one is at home, I just can’t do any productive work like reading a book, working on my laptop, etc. As my husband was busy with work and travelling, I decided to take a 3 days Pondicherry Trip, with my 3-year-old son. The thought of travelling with a kid is enough to make you sit at home and regret the days lost. I challenged myself to take this trip as it will be a kind of experiment with Agniv as I will know how to keep him entertained/occupied and the difficulties that come our way which will help me `in preparing for our next trip. The fear of what if will not let you travel.

Agniv has shown keen interest in travelling in whichever mode of transport we have taken. He observes his surroundings and enjoys watching what is happening around him. Kids at this age can`t be in one place even for a minute, so I keep him engaged by talking to him about everything and anything happening around us.

Pondicherry officially known as Puducherry is the capital and the most populous city of the Indian Union Territory. Though very small, it was the largest French colony in India and the city has a long and interesting history of trade and war. Did all the bookings well in advance.

Two weeks before travelling, I prepared a list of items to carry in my handbag and what to pack in the suitcase. Flying with kids could be disastrous if you don`t plan and prepare in advance and you can`t travel light with kids. The handbag mostly had Agniv`s stuff like a water bottle, a colouring book with crayon colours, a few toys (1 or 2 new toys), a cloth towel, an extra set of clothes, hand sanitizer, old newspaper, snacks in different small containers, tissue paper, paper bag, spoon, straw, stole, etc. (I prefer a backpack over shoulder bag) Planning and making a checklist of items to carry has always helped me in taking a trip.



Packing Items
Packing Items
Whats in my backpack?
What’s in my backpack?



Tourist Places to Visit in Pondicherry in 3 Days: 

Day 1:

Sunday bazaar

Day 2:

  • Aruimigu Manakula Vinayagar Temple
  • Aurobindo Ashram
  • Matrimandir
  • Paradise Beach
  • The Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
  • Eglise de Notre Dame des Anges
  • Immaculate Conception Cathedral.


Day 3:

  • Museum
  • Bharti Park
  • Indian coffee house
  • Rocky beach
  • White town


And this is what our 3 Days Pondicherry Trip (My 1st Solo Mom Trip) look like:


Day 1 of our 3 Days Pondicherry Trip:

Our flight was at 7.25 in the morning from Mumbai to Chennai which would take around 2 hours. The day before travelling I didn’t let Agniv sleep in the afternoon (he sleeps in the afternoon after coming from school for about 1.5 -2 hours). As he didn’t sleep in the afternoon he went to sleep at around 7 in the evening. On the day of our journey, I got up early, took bath, made breakfast, and packed some snacks.

Took some effort to wake up Agniv. His father had to wake up also who had just come at night from Guwahati.



3 days Pondicherry Trip
Inside the Aircraft

3 days Pondicherry Trip
Sleeping peacefully inside the aircraft


I have been telling this Agniv for quite a few days that we will be travelling on a plane soon. Agniv already had the experience of flying and was excited to get into a plane. A few minutes after takeoff he went off to sleep and got up just before landing. And I was sooo…..happy, what else do u need? After reaching Chennai airport we took a cab to PMBT(bus station)and from there we took a bus to Pondicherry. The bus ride took almost 4 hours. Agniv enjoyed his bus ride, looking out of the window, and munching on some snacks. He slept for an hour also then he kept popping through the window and would ask me every 15 minutes if the bus ride over.


3 days trip to Puducherry
At Chennai Airport


We reached Chennai at around 3.30 in the afternoon, checked into the hotel, freshened up, had our food, and after that, we stepped out to explore the nearby places. Google map was our constant companion. Our first visit was to a nearby cafe called ZUKA CakeShop.

Before commencing this journey, I checked where is the hotel located, which are the nearby cafes and restaurants, and how far are the tourist places from the hotel with reviews online. I ordered one Hot-chocolate after reading the reviews online. They are served in a tiny cup of coffee with 2 pieces of chocolate block and one spoon made from chocolate. Never seen or had a chocolate spoon before. Agniv was looking at me with amazement when I took a bite of the spoon.


Hot chocolate at Zuka Cake Shop


From there we went to the Sunday bazaar, which was within walking distance. It is flocked by locals and tourists who come here to buy the wide range of products which are available at very affordable rates. Didn`t spend much time here as there was nothing of interest and the market was very crowded. We hardly spent around 30 minutes and from there we headed towards Xtasi cafe. Heard so much about this place online. Can’t afford to miss visiting this place. Ordered one wood-fired pizza. After a long time, I had an amazing pizza. Agniv also enjoyed his share of Pizza. It was an early dinner for us as I was tired and sleepy and I wanted Agniv to get proper sleep and rest so that he won`t get cranky the next day. It is very important to get proper rest for children and better to sleep early and set out early the next day. Walked down to the hotel and went to sleep at 8 o`clock.


3 days in Puducherry
Waiting for our Pizza
3 days in Puducherry
A Slice of Pizza for the boy


Day 2 of our 3 Days Pondicherry Trip:

I got up before Agniv, had some tea, took bath, and packed the bag for the day, which had some snacks like biscuits, dry fruits, cake, 2 water bottles, 2 stainless straws, one empty tiffin(to pack any leftovers), cash & card, sunscreen, a set of clothes for Agniv, tissue/towels, antiseptic cream for minor bruises.


Breakfast at a local joint with the locals


After Agniv got up, took him for a bath, got dressed, and we were all set for the day. Agniv was very excited and I was praying everything to move smoothly. After breakfast at a local roadside restaurant, we took an Auto for the day, which was waiting outside the tourist information centre.

Our first stop was at Aruimigu Manakula Vinayagar Temple, a traditional Hindu temple dedicated to Lord Ganapati. My auto rickshawala Mr.Murugan guided me through the temple, explaining to me about all the deities placed there.

From there I went to Aurobindo Ashram which was nearby only, the favourite tourist destination. Though Agniv was about to turn 3 they didn`t allow him inside as kids below 3 years are not allowed. I left Agniv with Mr Murugan (I took a risk here) and quickly finished off. I wanted to spend more time here but, maybe next time. I was worried for Agniv and came out in 10 mins. And there he was with Mr Murugan, such a relief.

From there we headed towards Auroville. The main attraction here is the “Matrimandir”. After reaching Matrimandir a shaded 10-12 minute walk leads from the Visitors’ Center to the Viewing Point. A free electric shuttle service is available for those who may find it difficult to walk the approx. 1 km distance each way. Free bus service is available for the return journey from the Viewing Point to the Visitors Center for all those who wish to avail of it. We took the shuttle services. We spent about 45 minutes there looking at the dome covered by golden discs, reflecting sunlight. Clicked some pics, went to the washroom and refilled our water bottles.

3 days trip to Puducherry
At MatriMandir


From here we went to a local restaurant for lunch and then to paradise beach. Agniv went off to sleep after lunch and I had to carry him to the booking counter for a boat ride. He woke up before getting on the boat.

3 Days Pondicherry Trip
At the beach

Paradise Beach is situated in Chunnambar, close to Pondicherry town. The beach is very clean with a beautiful view. The boathouse Is the entry point to the beach. The tourism department runs the cruise with a capacity of about 15-20 passengers with an interval of 30 minutes. It takes about 15-20 minutes to reach the beach from the boathouse. The cost per person both ways is Rs 300. Agniv was enjoying this ride with beautiful backwater all along.

Ended the day`s tour after visiting The Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Eglise de Notre Dame des Anges, and Immaculate Conception Cathedral. Mr.Murugan dropped us near Rock beach. Did some shopping at Handicraft Emporium.


3 Days Pondicherry Trip
Agniv with Mr.Murugan

For some quick snacks, we stopped at Lecafe which is located overlooking the beach. Great location with options to sit outside and inside. After spending an hour around rock beach we headed back to our hotel.

3 Days Pondicherry Trip
Happy Agniv


What an eventful day it was and I am surprised to see that Agniv enjoyed it more than me and he didn`t trouble me at all.



Day 3 of our Pondicherry Trip:


3 Days Pondicherry Trip
Breakfast At New Banana Cafe & Restaurant


New Banana Cafe & Restaurant



After having breakfast at a local restaurant, we went to see the museum which was closed yesterday. The museum is especially noted for its collection of fine lost-wax bronzes from the period of the Chola Empire.

The Museum’s collection includes 81 Chola bronze sculptures, ranking as one of the largest collections of Chola bronzes. We spent around 15 minutes there and from there went to Bharti park. Bharti govt. park is within walking distance from the museum in White town. A good place to sit and relax in the midst of mother nature. This park is surrounded by Government Hospital, Pondicherry Private Club, the Legislative Assembly, and Lt. Governor’s Palace. From there we walked down, exploring the by-lanes of the white town, visited 2-3 shops, enjoying a stroll.


3 Days Pondicherry Trip
Indian Coffee House


We slept for some time then in the evening I decided to visit the Indian coffee house for some quick snacks. The place was packed, but we managed to find one table in a corner. It’s a restaurant chain in India, run by a series of worker co-operative societies. It has a strong presence across India with nearly 400 coffee houses. Our day ended with an evening stroll along the wide pavement of Rocky beach, followed by dinner at Cafe Xtchi.




3 Days Pondicherry Trip
Dinner At Cafe Xtchi


3 Days Pondicherry Trip
Dinner At Cafe Xtchi


3 days Pondicherry Trip
Cafe Xtchi


The next day we took a bus back to Chennai and from Chennai to Mumbai we flew down and with that our 3 days in Puducherry came to end and I am so glad I took this trip with Agniv.

What I learned from this Pondicherry Trip is that the key ingredients to a smooth vacation when travelling with your little ones are to pay attention to their needs. Kids can adjust to any situation very easily provided there is the right balance between rest time and activities. Now I am very confident to take up any trip with just two of us.



3 days Pondicherry Trip
At Rock Beach

Also Read: Traveling with Cloth Diapers: My Experience
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Kids packing list: For one day outings.

Kids Packing Checklist for one day outing

Kids packing list: For one-day outings.Duration: 7-8 hours.

Kid`s Age: 4 Years and above

Going out with your toddler or kid for a full day or half day also requires planning and packing your bag accordingly. Keeping a checklist of items on what to pack will make packing hassle-free. I prefer to pack my bag a day earlier or the first thing in the morning, to avoid the last-minute rush. Kids’ packing list differs from person to person. A packing list for the day might be different from one for a road trip or when travelling by flight or train. But there are a few things which you will always require no matter where you go.

Check here for Road trips with a baby and toddler in India

2 things to keep in mind before packing kids’ bags are:

1. The Destination:

If you have not been to the place do try to find out about the site. Are you going to a friend’s or relative’s place, for a fun outing, to attend some event, go out shopping, or going to the beach? One needs to pack your kid’s bag accordingly.

2. The Bag:

What type of bag to carry? A large tote bag, diaper bag, or two separate bags, one for your toddler and one for yourself. I prefer to carry one large bag which will fit everything, instead of two separate bags. Have a look at Tote bags: tote bags and diaper bag



Diaper Bag
Diaper Bag

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Kids packing list: Checklist of items to carry

1. Clothes: Kids packing list for one-day outings.

When it comes to packing for a day outing with kids, it’s essential to consider their clothing needs. Dressing them appropriately can make all the difference in their comfort and enjoyment throughout the day.

First and foremost, make sure to check the weather forecast for the day. If it’s going to be sunny and hot, pack lightweight and breathable clothing, such as t-shirts, shorts, and hats to protect them from the sun’s rays. On the other hand, if the weather is expected to be cooler or there’s a chance of rain, pack a light jacket or raincoat to keep them warm and dry.

Additionally, it’s always a good idea to pack an extra set of clothes, especially for younger kids who might be prone to spills or accidents. Having a spare set of clothes can save you from any unexpected mishaps and keep your kids comfortable throughout the day.  Also 2-3 hand towels or cloth- napkins/paper napkins or wet- wipes.

 Buy wipes here: wipes

Remember to pack comfortable shoes suitable for the activities you have planned. If you’re going for a hike or a nature walk, sturdy sneakers or hiking shoes are a must. For a day at the beach, water shoes or sandals that can get wet are ideal.


2. Water: Kids packing list for one-day outings.

I always prefer to carry water from home. I found this leak-proof water bottle very handy. This insulated water bottle can be used to store hot/ warm water and it will be very useful during winters.


Insulated Water Bottles
Insulated Water Bottles


3. Food: Kids packing list for one-day outings.

Even if your child is big enough to eat outside food, do carry some snacks with you because you never know when they will feel hungry or in case they refuse to have the food served at the venue. Pack a mix of healthy snacks such as fresh fruits, cut-up vegetables, granola bars, and trail mix. These snacks provide essential nutrients and energy to keep your kids going throughout the day. Snacks like protein biscuits, dry fruits, and cakes can be easily carried in a small container with lids. And they easily fit into your bags also. Have a look at containers with lid: Tupperware Tropical Plastic Container Set, 230ml, Set of 2, Multicolour

Kids packing list for one day Outing

4. Hygiene and Personal Care Items for Kids:

Maintaining good hygiene is crucial when you’re spending a day outdoors with kids. Pack essential personal care items to ensure their cleanliness and comfort throughout the day.

Include items such as sunscreen, trash bags, an umbrella, insect repellent, and hand sanitiser to protect your kids from harmful UV rays and pesky bugs. Opt for kid-friendly products that are gentle on their skin and offer adequate protection.

To keep your kids fresh and clean, pack travel-sized toiletries such as wet wipes, tissues, and hand towels. These items come in handy for quick clean-ups and can help you tackle any spills or messes along the way.


5 best sunscreen for babies in India
Lotus Herbal Sunscreen

5. Toys and other Entertainments:

I let my kids enjoy the moment rather than getting them engaged in some sort of activity. Watching the things happening around them is very necessary for their mental development.

Otherwise, you can consider bringing along portable games, colouring books, and puzzles to keep them occupied during travel or downtime. If you’re heading to a park or beach, pack outdoor toys like balls, frisbees, or sandcastle-building kits. One or two small toys in case they get bored or you are stuck in traffic.

6.Safety Essentials for Kids on an Outing:

Ensuring the safety of your kids during the outing should be a top priority. Pack essential safety items to keep them protected and give yourself peace of mind.

If you’re heading to a crowded place or a public event, consider using child safety harnesses or wristbands to keep your kids close. These can be particularly useful if you have younger children who tend to wander off.

Additionally, pack a basic first-aid kit with essentials like band-aids, antiseptic wipes, and any necessary medications. It’s always better to be prepared for any minor injuries or accidents that may occur.



Extra Items to Consider for Specific Activities or Locations: Kids packing list: For one-day outings.

Depending on the specific activities or locations you have planned, there may be additional items you’ll need to pack.

For a beach outing, don’t forget to pack essentials like sunscreen, beach towels, umbrellas, and beach toys. If you’re going camping, make sure to pack camping gear such as tents, sleeping bags, and flashlights. Tailor your packing list according to your destination and the activities you have in mind.


With the ultimate kids packing list in hand, you’re now well-equipped to ensure a stress-free and enjoyable day outing with your family. By packing the right clothing, snacks, personal care items, entertainment, and safety essentials, you’ll have everything you need to create unforgettable memories with your kids.

Remember to plan ahead, stay organized, and tailor your packing list based on the specific activities and locations you have in mind. With proper preparation, you can embark on a one-day outing with your kids, knowing that you have all the essential items to make it a day to remember.

So, pack your bags, grab your kids, and get ready for an adventure-filled day that will create lasting memories for the whole family.

Also read: Monsoon Care For Children and New and Expected Moms